
您患有糖尿病等特殊疾病,或者需要接受头颈部放射治疗?您同样可以接受种植治疗。我们开发了一种特殊的种植体表面技术,经证明可在极为复杂的身体状况下促进全面愈合。一项临床研究在糖尿病患者与非糖尿病患者之间比较了此表面技术的性能,结果表明此表面技术在这两个患者群体中表现同样出色1。随机临床试验证实,该表面技术在放射治疗患者中的成功率也达到 100%2

1 Cabrera-Domínguez JJ, Castellanos-Cosano L, Torres-Lagares D, Pérez-Fierro M, Machuca-Portillo G. Clinical performance of titanium-zirconium implants with a hydrophilic surface in patients with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus: 2-year results from a prospective case-control clinical study. Clin Oral Investig. 2019 Nov
2 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/joor.12434  Patients treated with dental implants after surgery and radio-chemotherapy of oral cancer. Heberer S, Kilic S, Hossamo J, Raguse J-D, Nelson K. Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with modified and conventional sandblasted, acid-etched implants: preliminary results of a split-mouth study.Clin.Oral Impl.Res.22, 2011; 546–551.